Independent advocacy


This factsheet explains how an independent advocate can help you put your views across.

May 2024 (FS2)

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Someone to speak up for you

An independent advocate can support and empower you to speak up for yourself, or to speak up on someone’s behalf. 

If you find it hard to understand or communicate your care and support needs, for example because of your physical or mental health, learning disability or sensory impairment, an advocate can support you to explain your views to other people. They can also act to make sure your rights and needs are respected so that you can live as independently as possible. 

Often, a social care worker can do this for you. Sometimes, you may want someone who is independent. You can ask for an independent advocate. 

You can contact the independent advocacy service at any time. It could be particularly helpful for you if: 

Different types of independent advocacy

Care Act advocate 

A Care Act advocate can support people with their social care assessment, support planning and review, and concerns with safeguarding if the person has a substantial difficulty communicating. This could be if you: 

  • find it hard to understand and retain important information
  • have trouble using the right information to communicate your views, wishes and feelings, or to make decisions
  • do not have an ‘appropriate person’ who can speak up for you. An appropriate person is someone you choose, who is not already providing care and support to you, and is not involved in any allegations of abuse or neglect towards you. 

We can refer you to a Care Act Advocate who can help you put your views across or speak up for you. You need to be eligible for East Sussex County Council funded services for this to happen.

Independent mental health advocates

If you are in hospital or live in the community and are on ‘a section’ (when you must stay in hospital or in one place to get treatment), an independent mental health advocate can help speak up for you.

Independent mental capacity advocates

If you find it hard to make decisions and do not have any friends or family who can speak for you, it is your legal right to have an independent advocate who knows about the Mental Capacity Act. They can help you if you face difficult choices about moving away from your home or are in need of serious medical treatment. 

An independent mental capacity advocate can also help if there is a chance you could face harm or abuse because of your difficulty making decisions. We call this ‘safeguarding'.

How can you get an advocate?

Contact Pohwer

The council pays an organisation called Pohwer to provide independent advocacy services for people with care and support needs and their carers. 

You can contact Pohwer directly to access free independent advocacy: 

Phone: 0300 456 2370

Other ways to get an advocate 

Your social worker can arrange for a Care Act advocate to support you. 

Your social care worker, doctor or nurse can put you in touch with an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate. 

An interpreter who speaks your preferred language or can offer specialist communication support (if you are hearing impaired, deaf or blind) can be provided. Advocacy services will take account of your identity and any cultural or communication needs you may have.

Making a complaint

If you want to make a complaint about Adult Social Care, you might want to use an independent advocate to help you understand the complaints process and put your views across effectively.

For more information about how to make a complaint, see Make a complaint or give feedback about Adult Social Care and Health services.

More information

See further leaflets and factsheets.

Contact us to get copies of this factsheet sent to you, or any of the other leaflets or factsheets mentioned.

Email: Health and Social Care Connect 
Phone: 0345 60 80 191
Minicom : 18001 0345 60 80 191

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